17 May 2022
Performance Prediction of Multi-threaded Applications
We analyse an efficient learning based approach to estimate application performance with varying degrees of parallelism for a specific hardware....
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23 December 2021
Helpful Guides for Grad School Applicants in STEM
The Grad School Admission Application cycle is a long and tiresome process. These are some links I generally send out to applicants that reach out to me....
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4 January 2021
Analyzing Neural Style Transfer using Deep Learning
This post analyses the theory behind the techniques used for artistic neural style transfer using convolutional neural networks....
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19 September 2020
Computer Vision Fundamentals: Road Lane Lines Detection
Notes on the basics of Lane Lines Detection using Computer Vision techniques like Canny Edge Detection and Hough Transforms....
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Performance Prediction
Deep Learning
Computer Vision
Image Processing
Grad School
May 2022
December 2021
January 2021
September 2020